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Reference: Oxy-Med Bioniche Pharma
Oxy-Med Bioniche Pharma Oxymetholone. Is a powerful drug that leads to a rapid increase in strength and muscle mass, weight gain of up to 10 kg
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Oxy-Med Bioniche Pharma Oxymetholone
It is most powerful steroid available, which is used by weightlifters and bodybuilders. Known in the fitness gym as Anadrol or Anapolon!
Oxy-Med is a powerful drug that leads to a rapid increase in strength and muscle mass, but accompanied by high water retention! The increased water retention in the body in this case is welcome, so that it "lubricates" the joints that are subjected to very high loads because of great surge of strength! If it is used correctly, Anapolon will give you a powerfull start in the first three weeks!
You can be expected weight gain of up to 10 kg. It provides mainly quantity, not quality muscle mass, and is very suitable for the base period.
Anadrol helps to increase the number of red blood cells, thus muscles absorb more oxygen. This increases endurance and level of training, and even after a few heavy series you still have the strength and energy. The compound highly increases nitrogen balance due to give a very good inflation of the muscles which is trained. But he quickly saturates the steroid receptors and muscle gaining stop shortly after taking.
Then either you must to increase the dose (not desirable), or be used in combination with other drugs.
Anadrol is not a steroid for beginners! It must be used by athletes reached a certain muscle development or those with experience in weaker steroids. Also, it is not for older bodybuilders, since they are more sensitive to side effects and the likelihood of damage to the liver or prostate.
Oxymetholone does not have a high propensity to aromatize, because it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, but you should always be careful! Although there is no strong conversion to estrogen, it may increase the progesterone in the body. Also, like other steroids, it has inhibitory effect on the hypothalamus, but not so loud! This can reduce the production of gonadotropins.
Therefore intake of testosterone stimulating drugs like Clomid is recommended after the cycle. It is good for maintaining hormone production in the testes.
Most often it is combined with Testosterone, Deca Durabolin, Trenbolone, etc., But if you're more susceptible to side effects, it is preferable to use separately and not with Testosterone, for example, as both are strong androgens and in combination their side effects are amplified. Popular practice after stopping of Anadrol, is to continue with Methanedienone and Testosterone enanthate, among professionals is a very popular combination with Parabolic and Sustanon.
Unlike other oral steroids such as Stanozolol or Dianabol which are effective even at doses of 30 mg.
Androl is most effective only at doses of 50 to 100 mg per day!
The usual dose for size and strength is 1 to 3 tablets (50 to 150 mg) per day in the cycle of 4 to 6 weeks if you weigh over 100 kg. - 150 mg. but for no more than three weeks! (Other sources indicate 50-200 mg daily, and the cycle is not more than 3 weeks).
Pack: 120 tablets 50mg / tablet